About Me and My Blog

I am a Christian wife, mother, grandmother, teacher, friend and who ever else I am. I have been married for thirty-one years to my best friend, Greg. We live in a small town in East Texas. I am the FCS County Extension Agent. I enjoy sewing, camping, gardening, spending time with family, traveling, riding with Greg on his motorcycle. I am learning about beekeeping, soapmaking, rainwater catchment and other farmish type activities.
The name of my blog comes from a sermon I heard once about a time when Paul had been arrested and was being taken to Rome as a prisoner. The ship, on which he traveled found safe harbor, for the winter, at a place called Fairhaven. The captain of the ship wasn't content with staying so he set sail again and later was ship wrecked. I apply this to my life in that I want to be content with where God has me and what he has for me. If I am not I may end up like the ship that carried Paul, shipwrecked.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Toppy and Jeanette

Here is a picture of Toppy and Jeanette McLemore. Toppy is Greg's bestfriend and he was bestman in his wedding a couple of weeks ago. Jeanette has been a missionary in Irag for the last three years, she gave up all of that to come home and marry Toppy. They came over tonight and had dinner with us. We saw the pictures from their honeymoon cruise and they brought us some souveniers.
Well, it is off to bed. Courtney and Darrell are coming over for breakfast in the morning and we will open our stockings. Greg and Darrell are going to put up a motion light in our backyard. The light is solar charged and I hope it will hold a charge through all the cloudy days we are having. We thought someone was coming in our backyard and turning the dog loose, but I think he has learned to pull on the chain and his hook will come undone.

1 comment:

Jody Day said...

I can't wait to meet Jeanette next weekend. What a beautiful picture.