I am considering giving a class on making Queso Fresco "Fresh Cheese". It appears to be quite simple, but I just wonder how the people in Newton would respond. Here is the recipe.
* To help prevent infection.....
1. Boil all cheese-making equipment between uses
Soak all cheese-making equipment in a bleach-water solution for 2 minutes. (Bleach-water-add one tablespoon of bleach to one gallon of water.)
2. For best-quality cheese, use new cheesecloth each time you make cheese. (Reuse cheesecloth only if it has been washed, then boiled, or soaked 2 minutes in bleach-water.)
SAFE Queso Fresco Recipe
* Place one tablet Junket Rennett into 1/2 cup cold tap water until dissolved.
* Mix one quart cultured buttermilk with two quarts pasteurized milk.
a. Add 7 teaspoons white vinegar to the milk mixture.
b. Mix well.
c. Heat milk to 90*F. Remove pan from the heat.
d. Add dissolved Rennet and mix for about 2 minutes.
* Let stand for 30-40 minutes until curd is firm.
* Cut curd into 1-inch cubes and let stand for about 5 minutes.
* Heat curds and whey to 115*F(without stirring), remove pan from the heat, then let stand for 5 minutes.
* Pour mix through cheesecloth and allow to drain for 5 minutes.
* Form curd into a ball and twist the cheesecloth gently to squeeze out the whey.
* Break up curds into a bowl and add 1 3/4 teaspoons of salt.
* Mix in salt and let stand for 5 minutes, then squeeze again as before.
* Form the cheese. Romove from form. Refrigerate.**
**Cheese made from this recipe can be safely stored in a refrigerator for no more than 1 week.
Recipe from a publication produced by the Pacific Northwest Extension.

I plan to try this recipe soon. I'll let you know how it turns out.